Humidor & Lounge Etiquette
We are not a members-only club – everyone 21+ is welcome in our lounge. But, there are a few things we ask of you to make sure everyone has a wonderful experience here.
Please Silence Phones
We have found that phone, computer, and other personal audio hinders the enjoyment of all in the lounge. If you prefer not to be social with those around you – though we really encourage you to be open to social engagement here, as that’s kinda the point of a cigar lounge – then use headphones. Please step outside to take extended calls, including FaceTime calls.
Do Not Smell the Cigars Before Purchase
Firstly, most cigars in our humidor are protected in a cellophane sleeve through which you cannot smell anything from the individual cigar anyway. Secondly, the ambient smell of the humidor itself overpowers almost anything.* Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, this is unhygienic. Your nostrils naturally contain several bacteria and viruses, even when you’re not displaying symptoms of an infection. Those germs can transfer to the next person that picks up the cigar you just stuck up your schnoz and easily cause them infection.
*But no, it does not overpower flatulence. We can totally tell when you’ve let one fly in here.
Do Not Lick Your Cigar Before Using Community Cutters
Trust us, we hate to even have to say this. And we’re not saying you can’t moisten the cap of your cigar first (though it isn’t necessary - maybe we’ll explain why later). We’re just saying if you’re going to, use your own cutter and keep your pie hole germs to yourself, please. Another point for consideration – we do regularly clean all our community cutters, but if you have any concerns about hygienic practices, you may want to use your own cutter. If you don’t already own a cutter, then how convenient that we sell several different kinds!?